Monday, August 8

A Mental Traffic Jam......

Thanks to God, I am still alive to write this post :)

To start with, I had been a fast bike rider since the times I had started driving... The pleasure of rising the speed to 60kmph used to be so immense. There were times, my dad would follow me (or leave his spies at various points) to take note of my speeds on road ( big archanai awaited me on certain days :P :) I was denied bike after a certain incident (sorry - Accident!! ) and when I was on bike again.. I maintained my speed limits. The story goes off as -

On October 4, 2006 - Wednesday : Around 6.30Pm... I was on my bike coming back home after getting down from bus. Need to mention some details here.
(i) Had a project review at college.
(ii) Review --> Full day tiring event.
(iii) No lunch/eve snack/coffee/plain water
(iv) Standing in the bus for the whole 1.5 hrs
(v) Most importantly, It was the birthday of S who was just-just friends with me!!
(vi) Denial of treat offered by S in spite of the fact that I was starving. ( It was not wrong to call me egoistic and head weighted person then :P :P :)
(vii) One of the main reasons to rush back to home was to prepare for the cycle test (I think Information Security was the subject) on Thursday!! :P
(viii) It started to drizzle and I wanted to reach home sooner.

With all this given.. the only thing I had in mind was to reach home soon, eat and then study for the exam(sorry test).. I was almost close to my home with just 300mtrs away.. I never noted my speed on that day.. Suddenly I could see 2 eyes sparkling at me.. within secs, I was facing a dog.. head to head with my bike :).. I applied both the brakes so hard to save the dog. Ended up flying 50mtrs away from my bike.. I think I made huge noise.. with my bike's engine still on.. but not able to see it with my vague vision.. Immediately, I tried to get up, failed miserably. There were aunties from nearby houses who helped me stand on my feet again.. With little consciousness, I opened my eyes to see -- my light yellow color salwar run turn red completely... I was bleeding so much.. some of those helpful aunties did a huge favour... (is it wat I should call?!?!) by applying tumeric, tea powder, instantly torn baniyan... and what not? to stop my bleeding chin. Someone informed my home, my dad and sis came running to see if I was okay... At home, mom was terrified but showed courage and grandmom had faint heart pain... For the first time, I saw a terrified face of mine in the mirror.. my mouth and upper lip were swollen.. my jaw was torn and I could see a pale white (bone??) sort of thing inside.. It was rather painful to clean that tumeric, tea powder mixture before I was taken to hospital... I remained starved in the hospital till there was someone at the operation theater to attend to me.. It happened to be my friend's dad who would put stitches for me :P I had 4 big stitches on my chin followed by a big bandage to scare me off! My sis is bold hearted... she accompanied me into the operation theater and saw blood oozing out for the every stitch that was put on. It was around 10Pm when I was back at home. No food! No Time to Study!
I was crying hard.... everyone was assuring me I could write the exam well. But how? No one knows that the subject was untouched for the past 2 months.. :) I could hardly pen my mouth to eat.. chewing was out of question. My mom and sis gave me a straw to suck my liquefied rasam rice :) I drowsed off instantly with book in my hand... Next day, I just had 15 mins for the exam to start.. when my friend read out the important topics to me. With totally no idea of what I was going to write, I sat in the exam hall.. tears rolling down my cheeks.. I completed the paper and Mangalam mam was happy to see my dedication towards her paper.. :P :P To the contrary of my expectations.. I scored 48.5 out of 50... :P :P thats Anna Univ scoring.. :) :D

The stitch marks and the pain -- still fresh in my heart. I was not allowed biking for some time... I refused to take that bike again.. for sometime.. later, I got a new bike.. But learnt to follow speed limits- the hard way!

Next incident -
August 6th, 2011 - Saturday : Riding the bike out of the hospital. I should have been careful while making a quick decision of crossing the road where the traffic is fast moving always. I was having so many thoughts and just like that, took full speed to cross the road at once. From extreme right to extreme left. I didnt notice the trailer bus that was so close to me. Suddenly I was back to this world and managed to let the bus go off! bus driver warned me with a huge - "heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy". I was about to risk both of our lives including my sis who sat behind me. I felt so lucky.. For the rest of the ride, I maintained 30-40kmph.

I should say, there was a mental traffic jam which left me clueless for a moment.. leading me into situations like the ones above. Once you are on the road, never let your mind to wander.. Be alert and keep you reflex action always on top! Have safe drive always!!

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